Uadreams Love stories

In today’s digital world, online dating have become increasingly popular. One of the ways that such sites and applications help create love stories is by breaking down geographical barriers. In the past, it was more challenging to meet people outside of your immediate social circle or geographic location. However, with online dating, individuals can connect with people from different countries, increasing the likelihood of finding a compatible match.

And there are a lot of couples like they are and they joined with this goal. Nowadays we have love stories to tell about, to show and to be proud of. Watch and enjoy! Unfortunately most couples prefer privacy, so they don’t wish to give us information about development of their relationship, so we cannot post all our marriages, only a few couples allowed us to publish their love stories.

Wedding in Ivano-Frankovsk: Olga and William. Unexpected start of relations

Everything started not ordinary. I came to Ukraine to meet with the girl he had correspondence with. But from the first meets it became quite clear to us that we did not match.

UaDreams came to the rescue and tried to help me to make my trip more pleasant. Having discussed the situation with me, they offered to meet another lady — Olga. It was not love at first sight, but for sure a lot of sympathy appeared between us. Successful and unexpected start of relations.

Olga invited me home and introduced me to her mother. Olga gave me suck a great surprise – the book about gardening, and I was a big fan of planting flowers and trees. 

Several months passed, and I came to Ukraine to see Olga once again, and finally, Olga decided to visit me. 

So, after a year of life together in America we got married! I found my dream. 

Olga and I came to Ukraine to have a church wedding and to celebrate this event with her mother and other relatives of Olga. Church allows one to take a church wedding only once in one’s life, that’s why only very loving people decide to this step. 

Wedding in Sumy: Freddy and Natalia. Faith works wonders

When I joined the agency, I asked God to help me to find my beloved. I was praying a lot. Freddy was going to come to Ukraine to meet his friends. He was disappointed in his search and after the trip, he wanted to leave the site. He received a letter from me and got interested in me. He wrote me back and suggested that we meet in person. I’ve agreed. Freddy and I noticed that we had a very important thing in common – faith in God. 

We had a very nice meeting. After the meeting, I came home and I had a very special feeling that I had just met her man. I told my daughter and mother that I had met my future husband but they were laughing at me. When Freddy was leaving Ukraine, he also felt that I could be that special woman for him. We continued communicating and in a month we already understood that we were made for each other. 

In 3 months Freddy came to Ukraine again to visit me and we set a date for their wedding. Freddy and I got married. We are happy to have found each other and they are preparing documents for getting the USA visas for me and my daughter.

Wedding in Ivano-Frankovsk. Bruno and Dana

From the very first letter, our affection was mutual. Our letters have always been impressive and interesting, they made me and Dana closer. Some time later we decided to see each other on video chat and that was the first but already very special time when we had the first glance at each other.

Since that first time, we started talking for hours on video chat every day. I introduced my family to Dana and later my mom and dad always came to see Dana on video chat. They were happy that I found his love.

One day I decided to come and meet Dana in her city. That’s hard to describe Dana’s feelings when she found out that they were going to meet soon, as she already kept some strong feelings in her heart. 

Finally, that happy day has come. They both were very nervous but when they met in person, they couldn’t believe their happiness. 

Each day together was special for us, we had amazing walks, exciting excursions out of the city, a lot of funny moments at discos, and lovely dinners in cozy restaurants. After several days spent together, I didn’t want to leave and we decided to live together. I started attending a private tutor to learn Ukrainian. And even though Dana also wasn’t so good at English, we managed to understand each other very well. Nothing can be an obstacle to the relationship when two people love each other.



Wedding in Poltava Andre and Tatiana

For almost a year, I’ve been exchanging letters with Irina on UaDreams. Our letters were filled with warmth and affection, covering a wide range of topics. But as time passed, it became clear that we needed to meet in person to truly know if we were meant to be together. So, I made up my mind and decided to embark on a journey to Ukraine to reunite with my beloved Lady.

 Being in Ukraine felt amazing, and Irina’s loving care played a significant role in that. During my brief stay of three days in her hometown of Cherkassy, she went above and beyond for me. Irina introduced me to her friends, welcomed me into her home where I met her family, and even prepared a traditional Ukrainian dish, borsch, which I absolutely adored. It was evident that she possessed exceptional homemaking skills, and her culinary prowess left a lasting impression on me.

However, as I departed, our connection seemed to change. Our once close bond seemed to fade, and our communication became less frequent. We both became engrossed in our own lives, causing our interactions to become scarce. What went wrong with our relationship? 

But after over a year, I came to the realization that something vital was slipping away. I had discovered true love in my life, and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing it. In a sudden epiphany, I understood that I couldn’t let this slip through my fingers, so I returned to Irina’s city once again. I took Irina and her son on a vacation, and from that moment onward, we never parted ways. Now, we are happily married and residing together in the United States.

Wedding in Poltava Milia and Scott

When I decided to give online dating a shot, I didn’t set any expectations and held some reservations.

But everything took a turn the day I received a message from Milia. All my preconceived notions were shattered because Milia was someone who resembled myself. Being a single father raising three young daughters, I connected with Milia like no one else right from the beginning. And then something extraordinary unfolded. With every chat, every letter, we grew closer and more vulnerable with each other. Milia’s disbelief was palpable when I surprised her with my visit to Ukraine—I, too, couldn’t believe this was my reality. Our meeting went remarkably well, but unfortunately, as soon as I returned home, the war broke out in Ukraine. However, neither the war nor the distance hindered our personal connection. Despite all the obstacles and risks, I made the decision to return to Ukraine. 

I proposed to Milia, and her response was an emphatic “yes, of course!” Currently, we are planning our future together and eagerly looking forward to our wedding. Our goal is to merge our two families into one, eradicating any trace of loneliness from our lives.



Wedding in Poltava Andre and Tatiana

Let me start by saying that I had 2 unfortunate marriages and was thinking I would never get married again.. until I met Tatiana! Frankly speaking, I didn’t believe it was true untill the moment I’ve met her in the office, in Poltava. I have fallen in love with her right there, and clearly understood I can’t go back home alone, without her.

Online dating, with someone who lives so far, was a very new experience to me. To all this, it was strange and aquard to communicate through the agency, but it made sense to me and was comfortable for my lady, so I’ve joined.

All my worries faded away when I came to Poltava and met her, looked into her eyes. I was a bit nervous and excited, but the meeting went great! It was so good to finally see my lady. From that very moment, we are inseparable. There is such a strong bond between us that the language barrier is not an issue for us at all :). Besides, she studies German and I try to learn Ukrainian. Decided to start my study by learning more about Ukrainian kisses, cuisine, and love expression words. Tatiana said I am a very talented student. ha ha 

I still remember our first chat like if it happened yesterday! I fell in love with the woman on that side of the screen… I had this special feeling like I had been looking for her for all my life! 

I was looking forward to every chat with her. I was rushing from my work in order to see my princess, due to my very busy schedule I had to have a snack during the chat (she must have been thinking I am always hungry). Now, we continue the tradition of sharing a meal together, but already in person. I am very happy about that. I am also very lucky, cause she is such a good chef!

 I’ve made sure that joining Uadreams was the best decision I ever made! My lady has got a heart of pure gold. Beautiful, kind, sweet, funny, feminine, loving, and caring – that all is about her! I haven’t been happier in my life! thank you!


Wedding in Rovno: Richard and Inna.

I was inspired by my friend Julia who married Troy, a member of UaDreams, and decided to look for a husband here as well. Troy and Julia are so happy now, so why not try my luck? A handsome man Richard captured my attention on the site, and I decided to be the first to write him. 

We had a great time together communicating with each other and understood very quickly that they have a connection. After some time Richard decided to meet me here in Rivne. Richard came to Ukraine 5 months after my first letter to him. He knew: only if he meets me personally, he will understand that I am his destiny. And the sooner he comes, the better.

From the very first moment, our communication went well and we had a lovely dinner together. All the days while Richard was in Rivne we spent together visiting different places and just enjoying each other company. I and Richard started to date and got engaged. Now we plan their future together.

Wedding in Lutsk: Tony and Inna.

Mine and Inna’s love story was not without challenges, as we faced the obstacle of the distance between our respective countries. Despite this, we were committed to each other, and I made plans to visit Ukraine a few months after our initial letters. My arrival in Lutsk during spring, when the trees were in bloom, made their first meeting even more enchanting. During our time together, we realized that Inna needed to improve her English skills for better communication, so I helped her by providing English lessons.

Our relationship was serious, and we quickly began planning their next meeting, with me inviting Inna to his country to meet his children and show her around. However, we faced a setback when their visa application was rejected, which was disheartening for Inna. Despite this, I remained supportive and visited her in Ukraine again to show her my love and care.

Fortunately, our love story has a happy ending, as we eventually got married in Lubart’s castle, after overcoming various difficulties and facing numerous challenges. Our wedding was a beautiful moment, and our love for each other was evident to everyone present.

Wedding in Kremenchug: Shane and Oksana.

Mine and Oksana’s love story is one of fate and persistence. After taking a year-long break, I returned to the dating site with hopes of finding his soul mate. Despite having traveled to Ukraine a few times before, I had yet to meet the one until he saw Oksana’s photo on the site. Although I liked her immediately, I was hesitant to initiate contact. However, destiny intervened when Oksana stumbled upon my profile and was struck by how much we had in common. She took the first step and started communicating with me.

Our online interaction was filled with romance and they quickly realized that we were meant to be together. I went to great lengths to show my love for Oksana, buying her two stars in the sky for her birthday, writing devoted poems, and surprising her with gifts. Meanwhile, Oksana eagerly anticipated meeting her beloved in person, counting down the days until we could finally be together.

Our first in-person meeting took place in Oksana’s city, where I proposed to her on a boat. She said yes, and we began planning for Oksana’s move to America. We met again a few months later, and after 9 months, Oksana left Ukraine to join me in the USA, where we happily tied the knot.

Wedding in Kharkov: John and Luda.

John and Luda met through a dating agency in Kharkiv. Luda, a single mother of two, had been searching for love but was starting to lose hope. She then received a message from John, who was interested in meeting her during his upcoming trip to Kharkiv. They had a great conversation online and discovered they had a lot in common. Unfortunately, John had to cancel the meeting due to a leg injury. He continued to use the agency’s site and eventually came to Kharkiv to meet another woman he had been corresponding with, but realized she wasn’t the one for him. He then remembered Luda and decided to reach out to her again. Meanwhile, Luda had given up on finding love and was ready to focus on her children and career.

After being contacted by the agency manager, Luda decided to give John another chance and agreed to meet him when he returned to Kharkiv. They immediately felt a strong connection and spent the next 5 days together. Even after John had to leave, they continued to communicate daily through Skype and messaging, realizing that they couldn’t live without each other.

They endured a long-distance relationship for 5 months until John returned to Ukraine for 6 weeks in January. During this time, he was introduced to Luda’s family and two sons, and they all approved of him. With their paperwork in order, they finally got married.

However, they are currently apart again as they wait for the processing of Luda and her sons’ visas. Luda is attending English classes while John handles the paperwork in the US. Despite missing each other dearly, they make sure to meet online every day and look forward to the day they can finally be together.

Wedding in Kyiv Matthew and Julie

Julie and Matthew’s relationship is a beautiful example of emotional warmth and harmony. They quickly developed a deep connection after several months of letter writing and chatting, and Matthew visited Ukraine twice to be with Julie during his vacations.

During their time together, they found mutual hobbies such as attending football matches and concerts. Julie even introduced Matthew to her father, who welcomed him warmly at their beautiful summer house in the Dnipro region.

Matthew’s proposal to Julie was a beautiful event, followed by an unforgettable wedding. After they got married, Julie moved to Oregon to start their life together. They now live in a lovely home with a cat, and Julie has become close friends with Matthew’s family, who have welcomed her with open arms, just as her family welcomed Matthew.

Wedding in Kremenchug: Dan and Darina.

Dan’s search for love in the Kremenchug branch of the agency was initially unsuccessful when he met a lady who wasn’t a good match for him. However, he agreed to meet another woman named Darina who had shown interest in him. Their first date was life-changing for both of them, as they hit it off immediately and felt a strong connection.

They continued to communicate through UaDreams, chatting every second day and exchanging letters. After a few months, Dan decided to visit Darina again and arranged a romantic date via helicopter. They grew closer during their time together, and Darina eventually traveled to Denmark to meet Dan’s family.

Their relationship continued to flourish, and they went on several trips together before finally getting married. Now they live happily together in Denmark. It just goes to show that destiny can be unpredictable, and sometimes the right person is waiting for us just around the corner.

Engagement in Kremenchuk Michel and Lika

Michel had been searching for a woman in Ukraine for a few years, but none of the girls he met through UaDreams seemed to be the right fit. However, shortly after Lika joined the agency, they connected and began corresponding regularly. After a few months of weekly chats, they decided to meet in person.
When Michel arrived, he was prepared to make Lika his last attempt at finding love through the site. Fortunately, Lika exceeded his expectations and they hit it off immediately. Lika, who had been widowed for a year and a half, was searching for her second chance at love and was ready for a major change in her life.

After spending a few days together in Kremenchuk, Michel invited Lika to visit him in Belgium. They traveled all over Europe together, and their feelings for each other continued to grow stronger. Michel introduced Lika to his family and they accepted her with open arms.
Michel visited Lika a few more times in her hometown, where he met her children and friends and learned more about her life. After six months of being together, Michel proposed to Lika, and she accepted. They are now planning to get married and Lika will be moving to Belgium to start their new life together.

Wedding in Ivano-Frankivsk Eric and Victoria:

Victoria and Eric hit it off during their initial conversation and found themselves eagerly anticipating their next online chats. As they continued to talk, they quickly realized that they were meant to be together.

Victoria was so taken with Eric that she shared her feelings with her translator while checking her mailbox at the agency office. She was excited to meet him in person and could hardly contain her enthusiasm.

Their first face-to-face meeting only deepened their connection. They strolled hand-in-hand and couldn’t resist displaying their affection for each other. Eric even hinted at the possibility of engagement, to which Victoria playfully responded that she had yet to see a ring.

In January, Eric returned to Ivano-Frankivsk and met Victoria’s family. It was at this moment that he presented her with a ring and asked for her hand in marriage. Without hesitation, she joyfully accepted. Now, the couple is looking forward to a future together filled with love and happiness.

Eric and Victoria have got married!

They are currently residing in the breathtaking state of Hawaii. Victoria has been able to enhance her English skills and has adjusted well to life in Hawaii, finding the locals to be friendly and down-to-earth. She has been taking pleasure in exploring the stunning surroundings, including the expansive beaches, towering mountains, and magnificent waterfalls. The couple has also added a charming dog to their household, adding even more joy to their already beautiful life together. They are absolutely thrilled with their current situation and couldn’t be happier!

Wedding in Rovno: Stein and Raya adore each other!

I met the wonderful Raya from Rivne, and it was love at first sight. Despite only spending a magical weekend together, I had already captured Raya’s heart, and even when I returned to Norway, my thoughts were consumed with her.

Despite being physically apart, we communicated daily using various services like video chats and emails, I even made a second trip to Ukraine to spend time with Raya. During my visit, I fell in love with the culture and traditions of Ukraine and adored Raya’s family, including her daughter and grandchildren, who affectionately referred to him as “dedushka” (grandfather).

Eventually, I and Raya celebrated their wedding in Ukraine and are now preparing for Raya to move to Norway to start our new life together. We are grateful to the UaDreams agency for their services, which helped us find each other and create a happy life together.

Irina and mine, Andre, love story began with a chat conversation. Irina eagerly awaited the call, hoping it would be from a strong man who could make her happy. As an independent and self-sufficient woman, she was used to being alone. Despite looking at various photos, she had trouble believing that any of the men could be her hero.

Late at night or early in the morning, I called, potentially changing both our lives forever. We watched the sunrise together, chatting and smiling. Despite our happiness, we found it hard to believe. As we continued to exchange emails, we felt like we had known each other for a long time. Our similar life experiences brought them closer together.

When I expressed his desire to visit Irina, she was hesitant and unsure about what to expect. However, she was interested in me and felt that I reciprocated her feelings, so she eventually agreed. During my visit, we spent quality time together, dining out and even having a BBQ in the open air. It seemed that our connection was so strong that words were unnecessary. Additionally, I bonded well with Irina’s son and even won over her mother, who was initially cautious due to Irina’s past marriage.

Wedding in Zaporozhye: How a call from Andre changed Irina's life

After mine second visit, I proposed to Irina, and this time there were no doubts in her mind that she wanted to accept. She followed her heart and began taking English and driving lessons so that she could join me in mine country. Eventually, we became a happy family there. However, we still strive to make our family complete by working towards bringing Irina’s son to join us.

Wedding in Nikolaev: Shawn and Raisa.

Allow me, Raisa, to regale you with an enchanting tale of love, as I eagerly recount the extraordinary journey that led me into the tender embrace of my beloved, Shawn. 

In the hallowed halls of the Nikolaev office, our paths converged, though our initial encounters had transpired through the ethereal realm of online exchanges. Fortuitously, fate graced Shawn with ample time to traverse the Ukrainian lands, affording us countless moments to cultivate a profound connection. As the seasons waned, our hearts embraced a resolute decision to partake in this timeless dance of affection, beckoning us to perpetuate our bond in the tapestry of togetherness. With unwavering resolve, Shawn traversed the miles, his heart aflame with the desire to call me his own, ceaselessly striving to conquer the fortress of my love. 

In the realm of mere moments, he triumphed, and in the wake of our burgeoning affection, we resolved to embark upon the sacred voyage of matrimony. Simultaneously, the labyrinthine corridors of paperwork unfurled before us, as we ardently pursued the procurement of immigration visas to grant us passage to the land of Canada, our future abode. The arduous road ahead glimmered with promise, sustained by the unyielding conviction that our love, forged amidst this union, would carry us through the labyrinthine challenges that lay in wait. 

With deep gratitude in my heart, I extend my sincerest appreciation to the UaDreams agency, for it was through their benevolence that the tapestry of our lives intertwined, culminating in the sacred bond of marriage. My soul reverberates with a profound sense of fortune, for I recognize the extraordinary privilege of having found Shawn, my cherished companion and confidant. Together, we shall traverse the vistas of time, our souls entwined in an eternal embrace.

Wedding in Lutsk Verdis and Diana

Diana, a single mother who had been looking for love for a long time, finally met the man of her dreams on UaDreams. Verdis was recommended to check out the website by a friend, and he was immediately captivated by Diana. After several video chats, they decided to meet in person in Lutsk, where they spent 11 wonderful days together. They knew right away that they wanted to be together and eventually got engaged. Verdis shared his love story with UaDreams, expressing his gratitude for finding true love on the website. Several months later, they got married in a beautiful and unforgettable wedding ceremony surrounded by loved ones. Verdis and Diana are now happily married and starting their journey as a loyal and devoted couple.

Wedding in Nikolaev: David and Maria.

Being David, I exuded confidence and a decisive nature, always knowing how to seize opportunities and make them flourish. It was on UaDreams that I stumbled upon the enchanting profile of Maria, a woman who immediately captivated my attention and ignited a desire to engage in meaningful conversation with her. As the months unfolded, our connection deepened, unveiling a treasure trove of shared interests and aligned values. It was during this transformative period that I made a resolute decision—to embark on a life-altering journey to Ukraine, to meet Maria in person and solidify our bond, for I knew deep in my heart that I yearned to be by her side, cherishing her presence every single day. 

The culmination of our online communication through UaDreams was marked by a poignant gesture, orchestrated by me, that would eternally echo within Maria’s heart. Presenting her with a magnificent bouquet of long-stemmed red roses, I sought to articulate the tenderness that bloomed within me and reveal the profound depth of my passion and affection for her. Today, Maria and I luxuriate in the embrace of marital bliss, our hearts intertwined in a tapestry of love that continues to thrive and grow with each passing day.


Wedding in Rovno: Walter and Elena.

I am thrilled to share with you the success story of Elena and me, Walter, facilitated through the UaDreams agency. Our journey began when we connected on the agency’s website, engaging in genuine and heartfelt conversations that cultivated a strong bond between us. The anticipation built until the day we finally met in person, in the enchanting city of Rivne. It was a moment filled with magic, as we both sensed an undeniable connection, confirming our destiny as soulmates.

Over the course of a year, we embarked on a remarkable adventure, traversing borders to visit each other’s countries, immersing ourselves in the warmth of family gatherings, and delighting in the joys of shared travel experiences. As our love blossomed and flourished, we both came to the realization that we were ready to take the sacred vows of marriage. This summer, Elena and I united our lives in matrimony, and we are immensely grateful to the agency for their pivotal role in helping us find one another and build a blissful family of our own.

Wedding in Kharkov: Chris and Elena.

Our love story, Elena’s and mine, is truly extraordinary and filled with romance. Despite the physical distance that separated us, there was an unwavering certainty in my heart that our love was destined to overcome any obstacles. It all began with that unforgettable four-hour video chat, a moment that forever changed our lives. From that very instant, I felt a profound connection, an undeniable knowing that Elena and I were destined to be soulmates. 

Every day, without fail, we poured our hearts into the letters we exchanged, capturing our deepest thoughts and emotions. Countless hours were spent chatting online, bridging the geographical gap between us, nurturing our bond with every conversation. The longing to meet in person grew stronger with each passing day, fueling our determination to make it a reality. Together, we carefully planned every aspect of our first meeting, excitedly sharing every detail with one another, eagerly anticipating the moment we would finally be together. 

And then, the day arrived. In that moment, it became undeniably clear to both of us that our paths were meant to intertwine forever. The speed at which our relationship blossomed did not deter us. Instead, it propelled us forward, leading us to make a life-changing decision. It was during my first visit to Kharkov that we exchanged vows and committed ourselves to one another in matrimony. Since that sacred day, there has been no looking back for us.


Uadreams Love stories

In today’s digital world, online dating have become increasingly popular. One of the ways that such sites and applications help create love stories is by breaking down geographical barriers. In the past, it was more challenging to meet people outside of your immediate social circle or geographic location. However, with online dating, individuals can connect with people from different countries, increasing the likelihood of finding a compatible match.

And there are a lot of couples like they are and they joined with this goal. Nowadays we have love stories to tell about, to show and to be proud of. Watch and enjoy! Unfortunately most couples prefer privacy, so they don’t wish to give us information about development of their relationship, so we cannot post all our marriages, only a few couples allowed us to publish their love stories.